Want Something? Write It Down or Better Yet: Do a Vision Board

You know the routine: you long for an outcome you want in your life, you have great ideas, but somehow, you can’t organize all the thoughts much less create the outcome.

These ideas are the beginning of a vision, which is the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be.

Now the origin: From Middle English from the Latin vision: a seeing, view,

This seeing or view is crucial to you achieving any goal you have for your life in any sector of your life, be it your health, relationship, business, or mindset.

Is it so fundamental that you might have overlooked visioning as a tool, especially when it comes to your own life. Maybe you think it only applies to big companies but that’s not the case.

The truth is, you have snippets of your vision running through your head all the time. The next step is to get it out of your head and onto paper. Here are few ways:

  • Write it down.
  • Do a vision board.

The science behind writing something down is here. It makes it much more likely to happen. The guidelines for writing it down are:

  • Be in a good mindset when you begin your vision. If you are grumpy or tired it won’t be a fun for you and you could staunch the flow of ideas. Get up, move your body—dance, do push ups, etc. to get those juices going.
  • Be Specific as possible. Start with one of the areas I mention above. If it’s health and you are trying to lose weight, write down how much you will weigh, what different parts of your body will look like (completely flat stomach). If it’s a business, write down what that will look like—if it a brick and mortar place, write about the façade, the insides, etc.
  • Don’t Edit (at least to start). Write it all out. Get it all down. Then, when you are ready…
  • Here’s where you shape it into lists or chucks that you can take action on.

Vision boards activate something called the Reticular Activation Center of your brain. Since our brain thinks in images, seeing those images helps rearrange thoughts and ideas and generate new ones to help you reach that goal. It is a somewhat magical process.

Place your vision tool somewhere you can see it daily. Let it give you ideas so that you can…and this is crucial, crucial, crucial…take the next action to move closer to what you want.

Remember when you are looking at it to take a moment to feel what it will feel like to be in your vision.