

Meditation as Relationship Pillar

One of my first jobs out of college was writing technical documentation for an IBM contractor. While the job wasn’t my dream, I learned buckets about writing and I met some people whom I still remember to this day. And while they were all such


Meditation and Moms

Imagine it’s a reasonable waking hour in your bedroom. The same bedroom that is cocooned in a spa-like ambience: clean, with the peaceful aroma of lavender floating out of the diffuser like gossamer being spun. You arise from the perfect-number-of-hours slumber refreshed and ready for

Concrete Pillars

The Pillars of Meditation: Pillar 1 – Prepare

This is the first in a four-part series about what I call the pillars of meditation. Whenever I think of pillar, I envision Grecian columns holding up important touchstones of civilization. Pillars provide a foundation on which other things rest. In this case, it’s the