The Importance of Your Vagus Nerve and the Profound (if odd) Way I Tone Mine

As a teacher (not to mention human being), I am always looking for ways (hacks, if you will) to optimize my emotional and energetic state. For years, one of the more demonstrative ways I have done this is to chant Om (I actually chant it the old school way as AUM because I enjoy making […]
Math of the Heart, Space for the Head + the Anti-Anxiety Song

As a full-time energy optimizer, I am always on the lookout for ways to expend my energy—and help my clients expend theirs–in the best way possible. In the realm of mental energy expenditure, the antithesis to this is of course the dreaded Anxiety and its evil twin, Worry. Having them every once in awhile or […]
Relationships: Go Clean

The benefits of clean relationship practices are a lot like those of clean eating: a sense of well-being and knowledge that your are on the right path. Speaking of eating, my brain loves to think in recipes so here’s mine for clean: Clean = Being Clear + Being Responsible + Being a Leader Being Clear: […]
Stuck in the Busy-ness of Partnership or Marriage? Do This.

I’m always looking for ways to deepen my love and connection with my partner (who is also my husband) mostly because is has great value to me, but also so I can bring the practical value of a working relationship to my clients. If you are like me, you may have noticed that regardless of […]
Meditation and Moms

Imagine it’s a reasonable waking hour in your bedroom. The same bedroom that is cocooned in a spa-like ambience: clean, with the peaceful aroma of lavender floating out of the diffuser like gossamer being spun. You arise from the perfect-number-of-hours slumber refreshed and ready for you day. You touch your still-sleeping prince charming gently on […]
The Pillars of Meditation: Pillar 1 – Prepare

This is the first in a four-part series about what I call the pillars of meditation. Whenever I think of pillar, I envision Grecian columns holding up important touchstones of civilization. Pillars provide a foundation on which other things rest. In this case, it’s the foundation of what will hopefully become a successful meditation practice, […]