What is Body-Informed Resiliency?

Stress is just something we all have to face these days–and it really sucks! Whether you’re a student pulling all-nighters, hustling with your side gig or grinding away at the office, stress is like our daily companion that rides with us everywhere. So what’s the solution? Yoga? Meditation? Sure, those things do help, but they’re […]
The Importance of Your Vagus Nerve and the Profound (if odd) Way I Tone Mine

As a teacher (not to mention human being), I am always looking for ways (hacks, if you will) to optimize my emotional and energetic state. For years, one of the more demonstrative ways I have done this is to chant Om (I actually chant it the old school way as AUM because I enjoy making […]
Math of the Heart, Space for the Head + the Anti-Anxiety Song

As a full-time energy optimizer, I am always on the lookout for ways to expend my energy—and help my clients expend theirs–in the best way possible. In the realm of mental energy expenditure, the antithesis to this is of course the dreaded Anxiety and its evil twin, Worry. Having them every once in awhile or […]
Relationships: Go Clean

The benefits of clean relationship practices are a lot like those of clean eating: a sense of well-being and knowledge that your are on the right path. Speaking of eating, my brain loves to think in recipes so here’s mine for clean: Clean = Being Clear + Being Responsible + Being a Leader Being Clear: […]
Why Effective Meditation Can Be Different for Men and Women

I’m a huge fan of meditating. It’s so good, right? Its benefits to your mindset and creativity are nothing short of amazing and increasingly crucial to your relationships and your business, whether you work in corporate land or own your own business. There are many apps out there to help you get started and improve […]
Kindness 101: It Starts with Yourself

When was the last time you did something really kind for yourself? Whether it’s a bath, or a nap, or just saying nice things to yourself instead running through your to do list or criticizing your features? I love this definition of kindness. It really is a virtue. Kindness comes from your heart and the heart is […]
Meditation as Relationship Pillar

One of my first jobs out of college was writing technical documentation for an IBM contractor. While the job wasn’t my dream, I learned buckets about writing and I met some people whom I still remember to this day. And while they were all such rich characters, none of them compared to… Dee and Candi. […]
Breathing 101

If you are like most people, at some point during a time of stress, some well-meaning person has told you to take a deep breath. This statement may have perplexed and even annoyed you because it’s more difficult to breathe deeply when you are stressed. Said person might not have known it, but when they […]
5 Things, 5 Minutes, To Feel (At Least) 5 Percent Better

Crazy times, eh? No matter what’s going on outside of us, there are always practices to support the inner work necessary to help us reset and move from fear-based thinking to the love and courage inside each of us. I’ve been experimenting with such practices and have developed a few that help me reset quickly […]